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DARETOGROW the Podcast.

Bringing you new episodes, every week, on the subject of building and scaling six-figure businesses. 

Aug 17, 2022

If the customers aren’t coming you have to ask yourself: Have I realllly done the one true action that will win me new clients?

Like, honestly?

There is a BIG difference between making a sales page and then selling your offer, just like there is a big difference between picking your plants for a new garden and then...

Aug 12, 2022

Did you ever used to watch Gary Vee's daily vlogs? I loved them! I'm not sure if they're back now, but the ones pre-world-shut-down. Ah man they were fab - music, broll, daily life. Right up my video editing street.

Anyway, in the intro to them, he used to step off a jet and you'd hear him say: "I just want to be happy,...

Aug 10, 2022

Happiness, like most good things - It's not a passive process. The passive process of life will see you falling into the trenches of what is easy, what is comfortable, what you've done before. Happiness requires that you actively put yourself in the way of what you want in your life, and you put yourself on the line and...

Aug 5, 2022

Changing your life is an active, not a passive, process.

There are stories and ideas and beliefs you’re running that are stupid and mean and cruel.

What speaker would say to themselves: “You suck! You’ll never get paid to speak!”

What writer would say to themselves: “You’ve got nothing to say, don’t even...